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 13 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"John Brett"Advanced Search
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Southern Coast of Guernsey, 1875. Creator: John Brett.
A North West Gale off the Longships Lighthouse, 1873. Creator: John Brett.
Caernarvon, 1875. Creator: John Brett.
Bonchurch Downs, 1865. Creator: John Brett.
Kynance, 1888. Creator: John Brett.
'Britannia's Realm', 1880, (c1930).  Creator: John Brett.
Kennack Sands, Cornwall, at Low Tide, 1877. Artist: John Brett.
Mrs Coventry Patmore, pre 1856. Artist: John Brett.
Georgina Hannay, 1859. Artist: John Brett.
Portrait of Laura Theresa Epps (Lady Alma-Tadema) as a Child, 1860. Artist: John Brett.
'Forest Cove, Cardigan Bay', 1883. Artist: John Brett
'Caernarvon', 1875. Artist: John Brett
'The Stronghold of the Seison and the Camp of Kittywake', 1879. Artist: John Brett